
Best Shirt Ever

This shirt has been through so much, and it's been a constant in my life for like two decades or something. It's been stolen by some (one time for a whole year by Chris, in which I went to Chicago, and sneaky stole it back!) and yearned for by others. And G is repping it today, but no worries, I got it back.



Judson and I are kindred spirits, cut from the same cloth. I was showing him how to upload photos to the CoCollage screen at Belltown Pub and now the screen is full of Judson photos!


Evening Sky

After G told me about some crazy dude in the apt across from me climbing as high as he could on his roof top to shoot the sunset, I had to look outside. The colors were amazing, but my DroidX couldn't quite capture them. Instead, I chose this pic from the rooftop.

I love where I live.


Pike Place

A random Pike Place picture, and the only one from the day.



My friends are awesome. We did the whole Pride parade and Seattle Center thing today, which was amazing. Now, if only Washington would pass a bill to allow same sex marriage.

Also, yes, I am wearing a dress from a Halloween costume.

Also, today gets a bonus pic!


After the Half

Gus, after finishing the Half Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, using the blanket as a Toga. Silly Gus.


Haute Summer Nights

Feleke and I hamming it up on the red (err, blue?) carpet before Marissa's fashion show.



Yes, this is the most interesting picture I took today. So lame. It's the stamp from Belltown Pub's Jameson event.


Street Mural

Every few years they change the mural and now it's for Jack Daniels. This is behind Local 360!


Summer Solstice!

The longest day of the year... One of my favorite days. I visited some buddies BBQing on the roof and had to take a picture...



So many pics this weekend, and only one today. Booo! Anyway, we were in a meeting for the Seattle Founders Day Fest
and I took a pic of the book cover that Ben brought for Josh about Doc Maynard, one of Seattle's founders.


Preparing for Crabs

Our friends were hosting some tourists and they were looking for seafood and somehow, after a drink or two, we decided The Crab Pot was our spot! None of us had been there and we thought it might be fun. I look pretty excited to start munching.

So, we ordered the Westport, which was huge, and delicious!


Fremont Troll!

We went to the Fremont Solstice Parade and Fremont Fair today, after a rough night last night. I know, with all the naked people, I choose a pic of the Troll?


Fire in Redmond

My friend in Redmond asked me to MMS him a picture of the fire that was responsible for MS campus losing power. Yeah, this is the only pic I took that day. Lame.


Sushi Dinner!

Chris and Marissa have a ton of sashimi grade tuna, and they graciously made dinner. And drinks.


Cobb Salad!

On yet another spot at Local 360 with April... this time, trying the Cobb Salad with Pork Belly. Delicious.


My Mom

The last day of my mom's visit, we took an early morning walk to South Lake Union before it was time for her to go to the airport. And another picture with the iconic Space Needle.



They put this art piece on the corner of 4th and Blanchard and, of course, I made my mom pose by it.

The only thing that would make this art piece better is if the song Popsicle by New Kids on the Block played on repeat.


Jazz Hands!

Yes, these are my friends, the day they met my mom. Roof top BBQ, Beer Pong, Sangria, my mom and friends. Pretty good night.



After a lovely soak at Banya 5, my mom, Mark and I went to Brave Horse Tavern, one of the newer Tom Douglas restaurants, for lunch. For an app - pretzels with three sauces. Amazing.


Waterfront Walk

My mom is in town and she is still a bit jet lagged. We decided to go for a walk at sunset, which is about her bedtime in Detroit.


Arts & Crafts

We often joke that living in Belltown is like being back in college and that we live in the dorms, as many of my friends live in the same building. It was Karianne's birthday, so April and I decided to decorate her door, dorm style.


Plants are Sprouting!

I planted some onions, chives and peppers, looks like they are actually sprouting! Now, hopefully I don't kill them before I get a chance to eat them.



Rooftop Beer Pong

We rooftop pub crawled. Beer Pong on Heidi's and Jose's rooftop. It's just a normal sunny day in Belltown Life. April kills it at beer pong, by the way.


Pintxo Patio!

It's summer time and the Pintxo back patio is where I like to spend too much time and money. But those Bacon Wrapped Dates are just so good.


Window Frame

I was taking a pic to see if the flash was working, and took a pic of this wonderful poster, framed with a window pane, at Bedlam.


Family Dinner

Mr. F made dinner for the fam tonight at his & April's place! It was delicious!