

I went to the aquarium today with my friend Jonathan and his son. It was my first time and apparently, seals live there ;)



Belltown Family's 1st Pub Crawl - Ninja theme.

It was our first of many monthly themed pub crawls.

From Left, Back: Tyler, Brandon
From Left, Front: April, Elise, Laura



I went with Chris and Marissa to the Ballard Fred Meyer to get groceries. It was super nice when we went in, when we came out it was sunny yet rainy. I was hoping for a rainbow, but the clouds still looked pretty cool.


For real?

This was the only pic I took today, and... It was at like 1am. This is Cory, on his birthday, counting singles at Kushi.


Waterfront Pub Crawl

Chris and Marissa told me to come out, so I did. We went to a few bars and then decided to head to Waterfront Seafood Grill for wine. This is a view off the deck.

Side note, the only season of The Real World I ever watched was the Seattle season... and I wanted to live in their house so so so badly. This would have been my view every evening.


New Mantle Decor, In Progress

I decided I've lived here long enough, it might be time to decorate the mantle. I went to Aaron Brothers, bought some frames and the other objects I already owned.

Now I just need prints.


Sakura-Con Feedback Panel

I snuck into the Sakura-Con Feedback Panel session, accompanying April so should could support Will. Basically, it was a bunch of geeky people either whining about how they didn't get an autograph from so and so (and literally crying about it!) or the nerdy people that needed attention and to be recognized by the panel in order to feel special. I think there may have been like two legitimate questions/suggestions. It was entertaining.



My friend and I took his son to see the tulip in La Conner/Skagit Valley area. It's so beautiful, seeing rows and rows of tulips, though I kind of joke that they make places like this for Belltown folks that live in concrete high rises and never see nature.



April, Johnny & Katy, at Post. Why I keep taking pics with Vignette cam, I don't know. They do not turn out well in the dark.


No, You're Not.

I was with Chris when we parked behind this car on 2nd Ave. I am pretty sure, based upon what I know of this person, I would not be friends with him/her.


So, technically, this pic was taken with Randall's camera and I stole it. We had excellent seats, courtesy of Randall, and enjoyed watching the Tigers win, up close and personal.


Late Night Signs

So, kind of glad I took this after midnight, because the only other pic I had was badly prepared eggs, before I sent them back, at brunch.

I guess I thought it was funny, and I think this was at A Pizza Mart, on the bathroom door? I could be wrong.



I had so many great pics to choose from today, but decided this one of Mark and me kind of sums the day up quite well.

I always love when a little bit of Detroit comes to Seattle.

Also, quick plug... Mark owns Pony - which is pretty much the best gay bar in Seattle.


First glass of alcohol in 31 days

I was at Pintxo meeting with Cory, and randomly decided it was time to have a glass of wine. I took the last pour from the bottle of Valduza, and it was quite good.



OK, another one of those days where I forgot to take a real pic... I had a free coupon for Domino's Chicken, so I decided to try it. Um, even free, wasn't too excited about it. The mango-habenero or jalapeno (whatever it was) sauce was alright though.


Cruise Ships Are Back!

The first cruise ship docked today, it pretty much signifies the start of tourist season in Seattle. Hopefully we'll see a surge in Belltown business soon.



Double Rainbow - What does it mean?

So, the double part was very visible to the naked eye, less visible on my cell phone camera, but beautiful, none the less.

I love little gems like this, and to think, I was going to skip Kickboxing tonight.


CoCollage @ Belltown Pub

Another day with no pics ;(

I did snap this to tweet on BTP's account, but then didn't, because I didn't want that saying to be on there while I was tweeting on behalf of the bar. Then I forgot to take another, as I was distracted. Too many meetings today, or something.


New Cam App

I decided to change it up a bit. Yes, this is my usual go to pic if I forgot to take a pic that day. This was taken with the Vignette app for Android. (I did take a lot of pics of items I am currently selling on Ebay, but those are lame.)



My friend Chris and I went to Wallingford Pizza House for some personal Dome Deep Dish Pizza. Pictured here, the "Full On Dome." Minus mushrooms and olives, of course.


Food, again.

You know if I posted a food shot, it is because I forgot to take pics. We all (the Belltown Family) met up at Pintxo to celebrate Laura's birthday. Good times.


Belltown, From Above

Patrick and I went to Columbia Tower to check out the view, as he had never been. This view is looking Northwest-ish, including Belltown.



Here is a pic I took on the bus, while on the I-90 bridge. I do go to the Eastside (when forced.)


From the Balcony

Yes, yes, I take this pic ALL the time. It never thunderstorms in Seattle, but today we had full thunder and lightning! This is what it looks like in a storm.


5 servings a day!

It looks gross, I know, but it's really not. I have one serving of each: Kale, Carrot, Cucumber, Mixed Greens, Green Pepper, Banana, Yogurt, Almond Milk. Add some ice, blend. I generally drink it in two servings. Mostly tastes like banana, with some fresh grass mixed in ;)



Quite possibly one of the stranger things I've seen in Belltown. April and I were walking on first, when in the distance we noticed every NFL team mascot posing for a pic. We did not get there in time to get that, but here is a pic of the mascots walking back in to El Gaucho.



Today I went to Pike Place to pick up some fruits and veggies from Sosio's. I love tomatoes and these heirloom looked lovely. I especially love the marbled heirloom in the foreground.


Dark Blue Skies

I know, I know, I take this shot all the time. Well, I love the Space Needle. It is that figure that always reminds me of where I am... far away from where I started. It's almost a symbol of freedom, and new beginnings. Plus, it's an easy shot, right off my balcony.


Disappearing Space Needle

The fog rolled in and the Space Needle was no where to be seen. Here is what the same view usually looks like: Space Needle