
Home Sweet Rooftop Home

And after a long flight from DTW to SEA, sometimes it's nice to just go upstairs and check out the rooftop view (with an adult beverage, of course).


What Was Once Great

And Michigan Station will be great again one day. Until then, just barbed wire to keep out the abandoned porn looky-loos.


Happy Thanksgiving - A Detroit Tradition

A Detroit Thanksgiving tradition - watching the Lions (hopefully) win on Thanksgiving... followed by eating way too much turkey.


Couch Dogs

They are not supposed to go on the sofa, and why does Shea look high?


Saltwater Eel

The saltwater tank at my mom's house has a eel that likes to hide, except for during feeding time.


These Girls

I leave my room for two seconds and come back to this. Who do these girls think they are?


Unfortunately Flat

Did the tires get slashed? I mean, how else does this happen?


King Street and Skyline

Looking Northish from Century Link parking on this crisp November day.



Bet you didn't know that Barack moonlights as a chef in First Hill?




Drug Deals

Oh don't mind me, I'm just trying to leave my apartment. But carry on with your drug deals, really.


Heidi's Birthday

If it's your birthday, and you're at the Unicorn, you'll become a unicorn.


Pioneer Square Lights

They days are getting shorter and the lights are coming on earlier. 


Seattle Symphony

My friend plays trumpet in the symphony. Today I saw him perform! 


Adventura Ropes Course!

We did the ropes course at Adventura Ropes Course in Woodinville. It was actually really cool. 

Bonus video of Laura:


Police on 2nd

A few drunky neighboorhoodies got frustrated with the crackheads and started screaming for them to "Get out of our neighborhood!" and "Stop ruining our neighborhood!" Well, it escalated, and police had to break it up. 





This crying pregnant prom queen knows how to party.

Freezing at Work

Just got an email that our A/C is stuck on overdrive. I'm trying to stay warm with a hoodie and fingerless gloves. In October.



Uuugghh, this is the only picture I took today. Work goals. 



Meet Our Dear Meat Deer!

No party is complete without your meat deer. Our meat deer was very dear to us, and very tasty, too!

Bonus, video:


On the Road to Leavenworth for 30th Bday Celebrations

Beauty near Stevens Pass on Highway 2.

And bonus: Laura riding the penny horse at Fred Meyer.


City Skyline

Walking to work, crossing 4th Ave and I get a nice view of the skyline from the south. And apparently, this was my picture today. 


Scum of the Earth

April and Chris went with me to my co-workers play, OK.luv, in the U District. Before the show we walked to a bar down the street for a shot and a beer. On the way, we found this Scum of the Earth sign. April and Chris did not approve.


Seattle Quilt Mfg. Co.

Sometimes I use the 1st and Jackson bus stop on my way home from work. Today the sun was hitting the Seattle Quilt building just right, where it looked like it was glowing.


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

The Hi-Life in Ballard has a Sunday family style fried chicken dinner every week. A big group of us went to check it out and it was pretty good. We all left so stuffed, with left-overs. Also, I don't eat fried chicken skin, so my dining partners seemed to get pretty excited by that.


Oyster Shooters

My friend Chris and I went to Elliott's for oysters before his show and loaded up on oysters. Delicious.


Seattle Sky

Space Needle sky. I know you have seen this view a million times before, but the sky is so pretty. I shot this right before heading to Ballard to meet G. 


How I Watch My Detroit Tigers

This is how I watch the Tigers when I am at work in Seattle. When games start early in Detroit, they are really early in Seattle. And, thank you Justin Verlander... now we're only down by one game. 


Chris Checking In

Belltown Pub had a Google Places event tonight. Chris is practicing checking in on Google Latitude, or maybe actually doing it, who knows. Also, I walked out on my tab tonight - worse, I was completely sober. 


Southern Sky

I was walking across 4th Ave S towards work, and saw the sky. I loved the crazy cloud formation.